I recently visited a shop in Salem called the Pentagram Shoppe to take a course in Shadow Work, as I have been working to improve my self-reflection by delving into my inner darkness. Listening to an experienced Psychic speak on the power of shadow work was truly life changing!

I hope to pass along the lessons I’ve learned from her to all of you so you can experience the true depths of shadow work on your own.

Here’s what I took away from this experience:

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is working with and accepting the darkness within you. When you practice shadow work, you show empathy and love toward your inner child. You are lending comfort to the younger version of yourself that needs healing. 

Accepting certain aspects of yourself that you’ve been rejecting will help you learn to love yourself AND others. 

Why is Shadow Work Important?

“When you understand the truth of yourself, you understand the truth of others.”

-Travis Llesly

Understanding that you are not all light, that there is darkness in everyone, is greatly important in your healing journey. 

How Can You Practice?

  1. Inner Child Work Exercise
  • Find a picture of yourself as an infant and meditate, breathing deeply.
  • Ask yourself: What do you feel? What memories come up?
  • Embrace all the emotions and memories that surface.
  • Insert your present self as the nurturing energy you needed at that time. What would you say or do to make ‘little’ you feel better?
  • Continue going through memories as long as you can focus. But do not push yourself. 

2. Facing Inner Demons Exercise 

  • Step aside and take a few deep breaths whenever you get upset by someone or something.
  • Ask yourself: Am I being called to heal a wound within myself, or am I just feeling a temporary emotion?
  • If the prior is true, ask the following questions: What emotions am I feeling? What may have triggered this feeling as a child? What would I say to my younger self experiencing this emotion? How can I make myself feel comforted in this moment?

3. Accepting the Darkness Exercise

  • Sit in a dark room or place and meditate for ten minutes (or as long as you’d like).
  • See what emotions come up while you sit with the darkness.
  • Are you afraid? Are you anxious? Write down these emotions. 
  • Accepting physical darkness can help you overcome fear and embrace your subconscious darkness. 

4. Cleansing Exercise

  • Shadow work calls you to cleanse energies that no longer serve you. If you feel a particular negative energy weighing you down, it’s time to meditate.
  • Sit somewhere quiet and dark and breathe slowly.
  • Visualize yourself cutting a cord from the energies weighing on you. 
  • If it is a person you want to cleanse away, imagine yourself setting proper boundaries.

5. Daily Journaling

  • Keep a Shadow Work journal where you ask yourself daily prompts that address your inner child’s wounds. Find a time each day to reflect and sit with your emotions. Write down what you are feeling. 
  • In addition, it is essential to keep a Dream Journal. Your subconscious often provides insight into what you need to heal. Reflecting on your dreams can help you learn important lessons. 

What Crystals Should You Use for Shadow Work?

  1. Labradorite
  2. Garnet
  3. Rose Quartz
  4. Black Obsidian
  5. Petrified Wood

What Books on Shadow Work Should You Read?

  1. From the Cauldron Born by Kristoffer Hughes
  2. Sacred Powers: The Five Secrets to Awakening Transformation by davidji
  3. Nocturnal Witchcraft: Magick After Dark by Konstantinos 
  4. Dark Goddess Craft: A Journey through the Heart of Transformation by Stephanie Woodfield
  5. Feast of The Morrighan by Christopher Penczak
  6. Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction To Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen 
  7. The Tree of Enchantment by Orion Foxwood

Signs You Are Being Called to Heal

  1. Seeing angel numbers frequently (333, 555, and 999).
  2. Seeing insects in random places.
  3. Seeing Crows or Ravens more frequently.
  4. Seeing Snakes or creatures that shed their skin.
  5. You feel more anxious or depressed than usual. 
  6. Your dreams are more frightening or involve a LOT of water (think: waterfalls, caves, lakes, ponds, the ocean). 

Be patient with yourself in this journey. Shadow work can be a very emotionally taxing practice. You will face inner demons you hoped always to keep buried inside (hell, maybe you even wanted to take them to your grave). But remember to express only love and kindness to yourself! That is how you will truly heal.

For more on Shadow Work, follow me on Instagram and Pinterest.

A special shout out to Danni from the Pentagram Shoppe for sharing this wisdom!

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