I want to start by saying that no, I have not read every one of these books. In a way, this blog post serves as a reading list for me, too! Here are some books that I have come across in my research on the process of self-publishing. They cover topics ranging from why you should self-publish, the business of self-publishing, and tips and strategies about the process, and more! 

I know the list may seem daunting, but maybe pick one and start from there! If you’re interested in a particular book, I have attached the links to Amazon (there is no rank on this list, so don’t feel that #1 is the best you can buy).

  1. The Business of Digital Publishing: An introduction to the digital book and journal industries by Frania Hall
  1. Publishing: Principles and Practice by Richard Guthrie
  1. Self-Printed: The sane person’s guide to self-publishing by Catherine Ryan Howard
  1. Write. Publish. Repeat.: The no-luck-required guide to self-publishing success Johnny B. Truant and Shaun Platt
  1. Self-Publishing with Amazon by Chris McMullen
  1. The complete guide to self-publishing by Marilyn Ross and Sue Collier
  1. Self-Publishing: The Secret Guide To Becoming A Best Seller – Richard McCartney
  1. Let’s Get Digital: How to self-publish, and why you should – David Gaughran
  1. How to Self Publish: A Guardian Masterclass – Ed Peppitt
  1. Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook Guide to Getting Published – Harry Bingham

Hopefully, after looking at this list, you were able to find at least one book to get you started! So settle down, turn that phone off, and make yourself a nice cup of tea. Because these books are a tell-all for the process of self-publishing, so if you’re serious about finally accomplishing that big dream of yours, you may want to take some notes.